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Active Mindset International Academy is where the human brain and technology work together.

Parents Agreement Policy Active Mindset International Academy


Active Mindset International Academy is committed to providing high-quality education and support services to all students. We believe that parents/carers play a crucial role in their child's education, and we encourage parents/carers to support their child's learning and engagement with our online school. This policy sets out the expectations and responsibilities of parents/carers who enroll their child at A.M.I.A.


Parents/carers are expected to:

-Ensure that their child has access to the necessary equipment and resources to engage in online learning, including a suitable device, internet connection, and any software or tools required.

-Encourage their child to engage in online learning, attend live lessons, and complete assignments on time.

-Monitor their child's progress and communicate regularly with their child's teacher(s) to ensure that they are receiving the support they need.

-Inform the school promptly of any changes to their contact details or circumstances that may affect their child's education.

-Encourage their child to behave in a responsible and respectful manner towards others, and to follow the school's rules and expectations for behavior and discipline.


A.M.I.A. school is responsible for:

-Providing high-quality education and support services to all students.

-Delivering live lessons and providing feedback and support to students.

-Monitoring student progress and providing regular feedback to parents/carers.

-Maintaining a safe and supportive online learning environment for all students.

-Communicating regularly with parents/carers about their child's education and progress.


By enrolling their child in our online school, parents/carers agree to:

-Support their child's learning and engagement with our online school.

-Ensure that their child has access to the necessary equipment and resources to engage in online learning.

-Monitor their child's progress and communicate regularly with their child's teacher(s).

-Inform the school promptly of any changes to their contact details or circumstances that may affect their child's education.

-Encourage their child to behave in a responsible and respectful manner towards others, and to follow the school's rules and expectations for behavior and discipline.


Active Mindset International Academy values the partnership between parents/carers and the school in supporting students' learning and development. We believe that by working together, we can provide the best possible education and support for all students. We encourage parents/carers to familiarize themselves with this policy and to contact us if they have any questions or concerns.

Terms and conditions:

We are delighted that your child is attending Active Mindset International Academy. To uphold the exceptional level of education that you and your child are entitled to, we have established a straightforward set of terms and conditions that serve as an agreement between you and the school. It is crucial that you carefully review them to ensure that both you and your child are satisfied. These conditions constitute a legally binding agreement for the delivery of educational


1. Introduction

By accepting a place for your child as a student, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement. The purpose of this document is to establish the terms and conditions of your child's placement, and it is legally binding on both you and Active Mindset International Academy. We have attempted to use clear language and avoid legal jargon where possible. The term "parents" is frequently used throughout the document, but it includes guardians as well.

2. Duration

The validity of this agreement extends until your child completes any classes and all associated fees are paid. Provided all fees are paid as per Condition 4 mentioned below.

3. Provision of Education

Active Mindset International Academy will make every effort to offer an appropriate level and quality of education to every student, within reasonable limits, and ensure a conducive learning atmosphere.

4. Fees

The Active Mindset International Academy website provides information about the fees and other expenses that students are required to pay, including when the fees are due. The school strives to keep fees stable but reserves the right to increase them, with at least 30 days' notice. The responsibility to pay fees and other expenses lies with all individuals who have agreed to the Conditions of Attendance.

Please note the following: 

  • Card Payment methods include the following: Stripe, Paypal, or directly to the school's bank account. 
  •  Termly payments cover the dates from: Term 1: Sept. 2024 to Dec. 2024 Term 2: Jan, 2025 to April 2025 Term 3: Apr. 2025 to July 2025 Yearly commitment.
  • A registration fee of £100 (non-refundable) is required for administration purposes.
  • Regardless of the number of school days in a month, school fees are due for 10  months. 
  • Fees are due on the first of each term or month depending on your payment plan and the student account will be suspended until payment is received. 
  • If the payments is late, you will incur a fine of an administration fee of £25 for each reminder sent by the school administration, and the invoice will be sent directly to you.
  • Fees are non-refundable. 
  • Please note that you are also required to purchase your child’s textbooks according to his/her class. A list of textbooks will be sent to you during the registration process. These books can be found online on websites such as Amazon, ebay, Cambridge or at your local bookstore. If you are having trouble finding a book online, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

You must pay with one of the following:

1. A valid credit or debit card.

2. You must notify us of updates to your payment method before the payment date (e.g. Credit card expiration date, changed credit/debit card to avoid the suspension of your child’s account.

3. Bank transfers are available for yearly payment.

4. If a student's fees are not paid in full or according to the agreed payment plan before the term begins, the student may be prevented from attending. Parents are responsible for paying all costs, fees, and charges incurred by the school in recovering any unpaid fees, including legal fees.

5. The first payment must be made on registration. Payment schedule for the Academic 2024/2025:

Full payment within 7 days of the registration date.

6. Termly Payments:

Term 1 (Sept. 2024 to Dec. 2024)

Term 2 (Jan. 2025 to April 2025)

Term 3 (Apr. 2025 to July 2025)

Monthly Payment:

7. Late payments: Late payments will receive an administration charge of 25 for every reminder sent from the school administration and invoiced directly to parents or guardians. The student’s account will be disabled without warning unless the school has been informed in advance until payment has been received.

No discounts or refunds will be given for additional subjects, electives, or digital curriculum if a student discontinues the course. To access information about the fees, you can visit this webpage on the Active Mindset International Academy website. To view the Fees, you may go directly here.

Prices might change depending on the country's currency.

5. Notice Period

Withdrawal from Active Mindset International Academy To withdraw a student from Active Mindset International Academy, a Withdrawal Notice must be

sent by email to and it must be from the registered parent or guardian. Any other form of notification, such as by telephone, will not be considered valid. A Withdrawal Notice can only be retracted once, and a fee equal to the Application Fee will be charged to reactivate the account.

If a second retraction of the Withdrawal Notice is requested, a new Application Fee will be charged if the student wishes to remain at the school. The Withdrawal Notice must be given on or before the last day of the Half-Term for Termly Contracts or the last day of the Academic Year for Annual Contracts.

Withdrawal for Students on an Annual Contract

You can terminate your Annual Contract at the end of the Academic Year by submitting a Withdrawal Notice via registered email from the parent or guardian to Any other form of notification, such as by telephone, will not be considered valid. However, if a Withdrawal Notice is given before the end of the Academic Year, the full outstanding fees for that year will be due.

To leave at the end of the Academic Year, the Withdrawal Notice must be received no later than the last day of timetabled classes for the School in that Academic Year. This is to allow the school to plan for staffing and resources. If the Withdrawal Notice is not received by this deadline, the student will be considered to be continuing for the following Academic Year, and the fees and notice clause for the relevant Academic Year will apply.

Withdrawal for Students on a Termly Contract

To end your Termly Contract, you must send a Withdrawal Notice via email to This notice can be given at any time until the Half-Term that you have paid for. Only an email from the registered parent or guardian will be accepted for this purpose, and notifications given by any other means, such as telephone, will not be considered valid. If you withdraw your child from school before the end of the Half-Term, you will be required

to pay the outstanding fees for the entire Half-Term, respectively. The Withdrawal Notice must be received no later than the last day of timetabled classes for the School in that Half-Term, to allow the school to manage its staffing and resources effectively.

If you fail to provide a Withdrawal Notice by the last day of timetabled classes for the school in the respective Half-Term, your child will be continuing their studies for the following Half-Term, and the fees, notice clause, and other terms and conditions for that period will apply.

6. Confidentiality

Active Mindset International Academy values students privacy and strives to act in their best interests. As an online school with an active web presence, we use social media as a daily tool, and students may appear on our website and social media in various forms, including photos, videos, sound recordings, and posts. We may also release information on our website, social media, or to the press that we consider to be in the school's, students, and parents; best interests. By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you consent to the use of this data, excluding personal images or photos of students, which will require explicit consent prior to publication. These terms and conditions apply only to written and audio communication. If we decide to use personal images, we will seek permission beforehand. If you wish to opt out, please contact our team at

7. Data Protection

Active Mindset International Academy will utilize the information you provide about yourself and your child, along with other data, for various purposes such as administrative monitoring, accounting, planning, and controlling the curriculum and examinations, publishing exam results, providing references, analyzing for education and management objectives, marketing, and public relations. This information may be shared with service providers and agents to fulfill these goals.

By submitting the form, you agree to the school processing the information for these purposes, including sensitive personal data such as your childs health, religion, ethnicity, or race. You have the right to request and correct any errors in the information retained by the school.

The school will implement measures such as spam and virus protection for email accounts but is not liable for unwanted emails. The school policy mandates recording all academic lessons and securely storing them on the software providers' servers. The school is authorized to contact exam centers where a student has taken exams and obtain exam results with parental consent.

The Active Mindset International Academy mandates recording all academic lessons, considering it an asset and in the best interest of students, teachers, and parents. The recorded lessons are safely stored on the software providers' servers. By signing the agreement, parents authorize the

school to contact exam centers where their child has taken exams and obtain exam results with the center's consent.

8. Online Safety Measures

The Active Mindset International Academy will ensure that your child uses the school platform appropriately, but your child is responsible for their use of electronic mail services and online communities, and violating the school's rules will be taken seriously. The Head Teacher has the authority to monitor the use of the school's services, and parents have given their permission for this.

To safeguard students from inappropriate internet contacts, they will be provided with passwords and are only allowed to communicate with authorized students and staff through the designated classrooms, message boards, email accounts, lessons, and online communities established by The Active Mindset International Academy.

Before admission to The Active Mindset International Academy, all students will need to confirm their identities.

9. Usernames and Passwords

It is your responsibility to ensure that the usernames and passwords given to your child are kept secure and not shared with anyone other than your child. The security of this information is solely your responsibility.

10. Study Environment

It is the responsibility of parents to provide their children with a suitable study environment. Active Mindset International Academy cannot be held responsible for the home or any other study environment.

11. Behavior

The safety, well-being, and educational progress of students at Active Mindset International Academy are the ultimate responsibility of the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher has the power to handle any disciplinary issues and delegate such powers to the staff when necessary. Parents and students agree to comply with the Head Teacher's authority without reservation.

At the Active Mindset International Academy, it is expected that everyone follows high standards of conduct and displays good etiquette. This is done to ensure a pleasant and favorable experience for all individuals involved. To achieve this, the values of courtesy, respect, and self-discipline are constantly promoted. This includes encouraging individuals to respect both themselves and others, take responsibility for their actions, and treat others in the same way they wish to be treated.

The school has established certain general guidelines for student behavior, which include thefollowing expectations: obeying the instructions provided by staff members, speaking in a calm and quiet manner, and showing courteous and respectful behavior towards everyone.

In severe cases of misbehavior, the Head Teacher may find it appropriate to suspend or expel a student. Parents have given their consent for the Head Teacher to exercise full authority in such circumstances. If a student is suspended, the Head Teacher will promptly notify the parents and explain the reasons for the suspension.

Progressive Behavior Rules Warning and sanctions
The student does not meet Active Mindset International Academy’s behavior expectations. The teacher(s) verbally notifies the individual who is not meeting the expected behavior by referencing the specific behavior expectation that is not being fulfilled.
The student continues to not meet Active Mindset International Academy’s behavior expectations. When the individual does not improve their behavior after the first verbal warning, the teacher(s) issue a second

During lessons, there are three potential results of behavior: firstly, meeting all behavioral expectations; secondly, failing to meet these expectations; and thirdly, potentially being dismissed from the lesson due to poor behavior.

verbal warning and inform the parents/guardians about the situation.
The student continues to not meet Active Mindset International Academy’s behavior expectations. The teacher(s) verbally notifies the individual who is not meeting the expected behavior by referencing the specific behavior expectation that is not being fThe teacher and a member of the SLT staff plan a meeting to address the student's conduct.lfilled.

12- Attendance

It is strongly advised not to withdraw students from school during the academic year, as it can cause significant harm to their education. It is recommended that routine dental or medical appointments be scheduled outside of school hours. However, if it is necessary to schedule an appointment with a specialist consultant during school hours and a child must be absent from school for one or more days, the school should be notified as soon as possible.

13- Safeguarding Policy at Active Mindset International Academy

Active Mindset International Academy school is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students. We recognize the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and we have implemented robust safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure the safety and protection of our students.

Key Principles:

The following principles underpin our safeguarding policy:

Everyone has the right to be safe and protected from harm.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

All children and young people, regardless of age, gender, ability, race, religion or belief, or socio-economic status, have the right to be protected from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Children’s and young people's welfare is paramount.

Policy Statement:

Our online school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people who access our services. We will ensure that our policies and procedures are implemented effectively and that all staff members, students, and parents/carers are aware of their roles and responsibilities in keeping children and young people safe.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Our safeguarding policy outlines the following roles and responsibilities:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for coordinating safeguarding procedures and liaising with external agencies where necessary.

All staff members have a responsibility to report any safeguarding concerns to the DSL.

All students have the right to be listened to, taken seriously and to be treated with respect and dignity.

All parents/carers have a responsibility to raise concerns with the school if they have any

safeguarding concerns.


The school has developed clear procedures for responding to safeguarding concerns, which include the following:

All staff members are trained in recognizing the signs of abuse, neglect, and exploitation and are aware of the reporting procedures.

All safeguarding concerns are reported to the DSL, who will decide on the next steps.

The DSL will liaise with external agencies where necessary and ensure that appropriate support is provided to the student and their family.

The school will keep accurate records of all safeguarding concerns and actions taken.

Training and Support:

All staff members receive regular training on safeguarding policies and procedures, and updates are provided as necessary. Students and parents/carers are also provided with information on safeguarding policies and procedures, including contact details for reporting concerns.


Our online school is committed to ensuring that all students feel safe and protected from harm. We take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will act promptly and effectively on any concerns raised. We will review and update our safeguarding policies and procedures regularly to ensure they remain effective and relevant.

14- Complaint Policy at Active Mindset International Academy Introduction:

Active Mindset International Academy is committed to providing high-quality education and support services to all students. However, we recognize that there may be occasions when parents/carers or students wish to make a complaint about a school. This policy sets out the procedures for making a complaint and the steps we will take to address it.

Making a Complaint:

If you wish to make a complaint, you should first raise it with the member of staff concerned. If the issue cannot be resolved, you should raise it with the designated person for complaints, who will investigate the matter and respond to you within 10 working days.

Formal Complaint:

If you are not satisfied with the response, you may make a formal complaint to the Headteacher of our online school, who will investigate the matter and respond to you within 15 working days.


All complaints will be treated confidentially and will only be shared with those who need to know to investigate and respond to the complaint. We expect all parties involved to respect confidentiality and to ensure that information is not shared unnecessarily.

Record Keeping:

We will keep a record of all complaints and their outcomes. This information will be used to monitor the effectiveness of our complaints procedures and to identify any patterns or trends.


Active Mindset International Academy takes all complaints seriously and is committed to resolving them in a fair and timely manner. We encourage parents/carers and students to raise any concerns they have with us so that we can work together to address them. Our complaints procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain effective and relevant.

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